BMT Shaft Fitting

What is BMT?

BMT stands for Butt, Mid and Tip.

We know from testing and measuring what is needed for each of those swing characteristics. Long, slow and smooth swings need a different stiffness in each section of the shaft than a short, quick and aggressive swing. Even when the two swings create the same club head speed at impact. Swing speed, downswing transition move, tempo and release point determine how the profile of your shaft should be fitted.

BMT Shaft profiling allows for a much closer look at how shafts influence swing performance.

This is done by taking 7 measurements for iron shafts and 8 for wood shafts at five inch increments from the tip of the shaft to the butt end of the club. This work is done by the use of frequency machine to determine the flexural rigidity of each shaft. By using the profiles, we can find out the butt stiffness, mid section stiffness, and tip stiffness and each section can be matched up to each players swing characteristics.


  • Swing Speed

  • Physical Strength


  • Downswing Transition Tempo

  • Downswing Acceleration


  • Wrist-Cock Release Point

So, why would one player choose one company’s shaft over another? The reason relates to the profile of individual shafts, and which profile best suits a player’s swing.

Golfers do not all swing with the same tempo, release the club at the same point, or swing with the same swing speed. Because every golfer is different we cannot all use the same shaft profile in our clubs. So how do we know which shaft will perform best for our swing?

Tom Wishon has designed a range shafts for swing speed ratings and developed ‘Shaft to Swing’ a shaft matching system that matches shafts from the range based on swing speed in combination with four specific measurements or characteristics of your golf swing.

These are:

  1. Physical Strength

  2. Downswing Transition Force

  3. Downswing Tempo

  4. Wrist-cock Release Position

During a fitting, from testing and measuring, we can identify a rating for each of those swing characteristics from which a shaft recommendation, from Wishon’s range of S2S shafts, is provided.

Alternatively, shafts with a similar BMT profile can be identified from the shaft selection software I subscribe to.

For more information please visit Wishon’s Shaft to Swing shaft fitting system.


Weight is a major consideration of fitting the right club to the golfer, as is the length of each club.

While is it important to understand BMT profiling, it should not be prioritised over fitting for the correct weight of shaft. Rather, shafts with the closest BMT profile should be chosen for testing from the choices of shaft available in the selected weight and material.