True Length Technology®

Fitting outside the traditional box – the concept of True Length Technology®

Have you ever been troubled by the condition of, “My long irons are too long and my short irons are too short”?

True Length Technology® addresses this condition through CAD modelling the entire set by correlating the lengths and lies to the golfer in their athletic address position. Imagine having one single, stable athletic address position for every club in the bag. Holding every club in the same hand position and still utilize varying lengths and lies that fit your math model, perfectly.

True Length Technology® clubs do vary in length. Just in less than the traditional ½ inch increment. In fact the length variance is perfect from club to club, giving one very athletic and repeatable setup position and posture for your personal setup.

Benefits of custom-built True Length Technology® clubs:

One common hand position, relative to a perfectly math modelled length and lie will result in:

  • A very repeatable athletic address position

  • A very repeatable swing pattern

  • More on centre hits

  • Less fat shots

  • Less thin shots

  • Improved feel and play ability

  • Less physical stress on the body

As all custom club fitters know, one size does not fit all. Matter of fact, only one size fits you and you alone and as all custom club builders know, length and lie are imperative, but the OEM’s only build to “recommended build sizes”, this is typically 2 charts for men and 1 chart for women.

If you look at some of the old “recommended lengths of golf clubs” they fit over 3 ½ inches of wrist to floor (WTF) variations, except if you were a women, then your clubs would simply be 1 inch shorter. How much sense does that make? Someone with a 34 WTF is playing the same lengths as someone with a 37 WTF. This again is not bio-mechanically or mathematically sound.

The True Length Technology® system has charts that vary from a Series 0 to a Series 15, also now available in 10 additional children’s charts. Every chart is a Math Model of perfect proportions for each individual series. The math behind the True Length Technology® build charts result in your constant athletic address position. Not everyone addresses the ball in the same manner and therefore the target build chart is still susceptible to variation. Your fitter needs to find the correct series target length and build to the appropriate Series chart.

True Length Technology® Fitting

Note: WTF measurements are used, but only as a starting point within the fitting process.

A full dynamic fitting is still recommended using the True Length Technology® Fitting System.

  • Hitting balls allows the fitter to be aware of swing tendencies and club head paths that do influence ball flight.

  • Individual swings certainly do play an active role in determining the correct final lengths and lies.

  • The golfer who sets up with the traditional stance will often find that the WTF measurement will often correlate to the Initial Target Series Chart and will indeed be very close to the final build specification.

  • Single axis golfers and some women who carry their arms out and away from their body will in all likelihood need a set of greater length and possibly an alternative lie, deviating from what their WTF target indicated. Again, True Length Technology® is not a WTF system and traditional fitting procedures will insure a sound fitting to the individual.

  • People with disabilities that cannot get into that traditional position may need a variation in length and lie, but will end up in their best athletic position – common to every club.

  • All of the above scenarios need to be addressed by the fitter in determining what the proper “actual” build size will be. Once the Target Series Build Chart has been determined, the builder needs to build to the specifics of that Target Series chart keeping the math model intact.

True Length Technology® Fitting System

Each True Length Technology® fitting set has its lengths correlated with its lies – set to a perfect math model for all Series Build Charts. The golfer gets to actually swing a 4, 7, and PW that fits their Series profile. When the correct Series is in your hands you will instantly know you have found your specifications for length, and a great indication of lie.

Traditional fitting methodology still does apply, where the customer needs to go through:

  • Wrist to floor measurements

  • Statically fitting with a variety of clubs

  • Hitting balls with a variety of lengths

  • Hitting balls with impact stickers

  • Watching ball flight


The most satisfying feeling is, when the correct length and lie are determined, you are confident that the entire set will fit you like never before. Club fittings and custom-built clubs are about performance improvement. The end result of a club fitting is to custom build you, the golfer, a set of clubs that will give you the greatest chance to improve your game to the best of your ability and increase your enjoyment.